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Contract FungibleTokenSwitchboard

contract FungibleTokenSwitchboard {

StoragePath: StoragePath

PublicPath: PublicPath

ReceiverPublicPath: PublicPath

The contract that allows an account to receive payments in multiple fungible tokens using a single {FungibleToken.Receiver} capability. This capability should ideally be stored at the FungibleTokenSwitchboard.ReceiverPublicPath = /public/GenericFTReceiver but it can be stored anywhere.


resource interface SwitchboardPublic​

resource interface SwitchboardPublic {

The interface that enforces the method to allow anyone to check on the available capabilities of a switchboard resource and also exposes the deposit methods to deposit funds on it.


Structs & Resources​

resource Switchboard​

resource Switchboard {

receiverCapabilities: {Type: Capability<&{FungibleToken.Receiver}>}

The resource that stores the multiple fungible token receiver capabilities, allowing the owner to add and remove them and anyone to deposit any fungible token among the available types.



fun createSwitchboard()​

func createSwitchboard(): Switchboard

Function that allows to create a new blank switchboard. A user must call this function and store the returned resource in their storage.


event VaultCapabilityAdded​

event VaultCapabilityAdded(type Type, switchboardOwner Address?, capabilityOwner Address?)

The event that is emitted when a new vault capability is added to a switchboard resource.

event VaultCapabilityRemoved​

event VaultCapabilityRemoved(type Type, switchboardOwner Address?, capabilityOwner Address?)

The event that is emitted when a vault capability is removed from a switchboard resource.

event NotCompletedDeposit​

event NotCompletedDeposit(type Type, amount UFix64, switchboardOwner Address?)

The event that is emitted when a deposit can not be completed.